Raising Canine

Dogs Bite: But Balloons & Slippers Are More Dangerous

Course Information:

Dogs are dangerous. And they are more dangerous to children than adults. Not as dangerous, of course, as kitchen utensils, drapery cords, five-gallon water buckets, horses, or cows. Not nearly as dangerous as playground equipment, swimming pools, skateboards or bikes. And not remotely as dangerous as family, friends, guns or cars. In this telecourse, Janis discusses the research she did for her recently released book (of the same name), which explores the reality of dog bites and dog fatalities.

Pre-requisites OR Target Level of Knowledge: n/a
Instructor: Janis Bradley, CTC
Continuing Education Units (CEUs):
e-mail about CEUs for other organizations
Course Length: 1 hour
Original Air Date: 2006
Course Cost: $FREE

Contact Information: sue@raisingcanine.com
Frequently Asked Questions

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Refund Policy: The course fee will be refunded, in its entirety, so long as the enrollee requests a refund in writing no later than the 14th day after the course is purchased.